

Catalyst Energies offers intuitive and energetic modalities along with astrological readings.



intuitive READINGS

Micro readings $33

Using the archetypal potential of the Tarot and other oracle cards, this reading provides a short narrative to address an immediate concern or specific question.  

Full Intuitive Reading $88

This service combines a full intuitive energy reading with a full Tarot reading to take that deeper dive into the self.  Often energetic blockages are cleared, cords cut and intuitive insight through symbols and imagery are presented.  The archetypes in the card reading can act as catalysts for new insights once the energetic landscape is addressed.



Learn about Reiki here.

Distance Reiki Session

This session is provided remotely at a scheduled time, but it is not necessary for the recipient to be actively receiving at that time.  Being asleep is actually a great time to be receiving Reiki.  Otherwise, you can be present to receive, either in a state of meditation or deep relaxation.  I will follow up after the session via email or zoom with specific feedback. These sessions offer healing, relaxation, nourishment and oftentimes come with intuitive messages for guidance.  

30 minutes $44

60 minutes $77



*Charts are cast using the tropical [western] astrology system with Placidus house system.

Full Natal Chart Reading $144

Quite simply, this is your soul’s blueprint for this life. This reading is the foundation for your astrological journey

Starseed Synastry Reading $111

Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. In this reading, we explore potential karmic contracts and current relationship dynamics through the identification of corresponding/conflicting STARSEED origins.

Galactic Oversoul Reading $111

The Draconic chart focuses on the unconscious drives that underlie the psychology of the individual. As the name implies, this chart is based on the position of the lunar nodes & inspired by the undulating pattern of the Draco constellation. The position of the lunar nodes gives us an idea of the soul’s trajectory of evolution. The galactic nature of this reading comes from the Starseed markings that are embedded in this chart and offers yet another layer of the multi-dimensionality of our soul experience.

Solar Return Reading $99

A Solar Return chart is a chart calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position. An excellent birthday gift, this reading looks at the current astrological themes relevant to the Sun’s return.

Starseed Reading $88

Using the astrological birth chart, this reading explores potential Starseed lineages and how they may impact one’s current life experience. 

Lunar Transit Reading $77

The lunar transits, or the path of Earth’s moon, symbolize more personal and immediate events. Using your birth chart, we explore how the path of the moon connects with you and your life at that time. 



Beginner Starseed $222

Combining the Full Natal Chart Reading with the Starseed Reading in two consecutive session; this package is a great way to dive deep into these topics with both feet. 

*Includes a complimentary 30-min consultation via Zoom

Catalyst Package $369

This package covers it all!

A Full Natal Chart & Starseed Reading, 60-minute Distance Reiki Session and 2 Micro Readings.

*Includes a complimentary 60-minute Zoom consultation


questions? Interested in booking a session?

To request a booking or for all over inquiries, please fill out this form.

**For bookings, include in the message the type of service you are interested in.